Call for Volunteers
We are developing a grassroots network of architects, non-profit organizations, service providers, housing and real estate professionals, and engineers to make ourselves available for emergency response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Our mission is to support the significant efforts already being made by government and private sector professionals. With a tremendous task upon New York City in the immediate weeks ahead, we believe a skillful design coalition with a willingness to collaborate will provide critical and impactful aid. We aim to provide a volunteer framework both for New York City’s imminent demand as well as for communities which will be facing similar challenges in the near future.
Paul Castrucci Architects are looking for volunteers who can provide any level of support. With your help, we aim for swift organization to respond to the approaching demand.
NYC is short tens of thousands of hospital beds in the face of the expected impending coronavirus infection spike. Government officials are actively seeking potential sites/buildings for temporary medical facilities. As projected, NYC will have difficulty meeting demand for the first wave without an enormous, collective effort. We hope we can assist in the effort to identify and prepare sites/buildings for temporary hospital spaces, coordinate housing provisions for at-risk populations, and coordinate housing for emergency medical personnel without access to reliable transportation.
The more volunteer groups, the greater the chance we can be plugged into the effort to meet this incredible challenge. Please consider signing on to volunteer in whatever capacity by clicking here.
Note that we welcome firms and individuals to join the effort. If you are in the position to put the weight of your firm behind this effort (i.e. you are a partner), please indicate that. Feel free to limit/qualify the amount of support you are able to give: we understand that we all have many other obligations/priorities at this time.
Stay tuned to hear more about the ongoing developments from the VRP. Stay well!